Dec 31, 2021
Podcasts for Classic Film Fans: December Round-up
Dec 29, 2021
On Blu-ray: 1933 Double Feature Mary Stevens, M.D. and Dinner at Eight
Dec 27, 2021
On Blu-ray: Henry Winkler, Michael Keaton, and Shelley Long in Ron Howard's Night Shift (1982)
As lightweight as it can be, Night Shift (1982) is a notable film for many reasons: it was Ron Howard’s directorial debut and Michael Keaton’s break-out role, in addition to being an opportunity for Henry Winkler and Shelley Long to show other facets of their talent in the era where they were playing their most famous television roles (Happy Days and Cheers respectively). I watched the film on a new Warner Archive Blu-ray and found that while it hasn’t dated well in a lot of ways, it’s a decent showcase for its stars.
Dec 24, 2021
Deanna Durbin Sings Silent Night
I never miss watching this scene from Lady on a Train (1945) on Christmas Eve. Deanna Durbin's version of Silent Night is so soothing and full of the wonder of the season.
Dec 20, 2021
On Blu-ray: Dustin Hoffman Plays a Struggling Ex-Con in Straight Time (1978)
Dec 15, 2021
Argentinian Noir on DVD/Blu-ray: The Bitter Stems (1956) and The Beast Must Die (1952)
Dec 10, 2021
On Blu-ray: Stephen Sondheim & Anthony Perkins Take Real-Life Games to the Screen in The Last of Sheila (1973)
Dec 8, 2021
On Blu-ray: The Marx Brothers at Their Chaotic Best in Night at the Opera (1935)
As with classics like A Day at the Races (1937) and Duck Soup (1933), A Night at the Opera (1935) showcases the Marx Brothers at their merry, anarchic best. I recently revisited the film on a new Blu-ray from Warner Archive.
Dec 3, 2021
Book Review--Charles Boyer: The French Lover
Charles Boyer: The French Lover
Dec 1, 2021
Watching Classic Movies Podcast: Talking GIFs with GIPHY Editor Tiffany Vazquez
Love all the classic film GIFs online? That is thanks in part to my guest, GIPHY Editor Tiffany Vazquez, who has made a career of bringing brief, but potent moving images to millions of users.
Nov 29, 2021
Podcasts for Classic Film Fans: November Round-up
I was struck by the variety of the podcasts I enjoyed this month. Felt a bit like I went on a journey. Episode titles link to the shows discussed:
Nov 26, 2021
On Blu-ray: In the Good Old Summertime (1949) Reimagines a Lubitsch Classic
This musical remake of Ernst Lubitsch’s The Shop Around the Corner (1940) is a rosier take on a tale of a couple who meet ugly, but fall in love. It trades in the bleaker elements of its inspiration for a more sweetly nostalgic take on the story of pen pals who are in love on paper, but rivals at work. I recently watched the film on a newly-release Blu-ray from Warner Archive.
Nov 24, 2021
Watching Classic Movies Podcast--Talking Problematic Favs with Cinema Detroit and #TCMParty Co-Founder Paula Guthat
My guest Paula Guthat is the co-founder of Cinema Detroit and the popular TCM Party hashtag. She came to me with a dilemma, how
do you react when you learn that one of your cinematic favs has done something
horrific? The answer is personal, often not definitive, and complicated,
especially when you are a film programmer as Paula is. We talked about the
issue as it relates to our past, present, and future.
Nov 17, 2021
Watching Classic Movies Podcast--Talking Classic Horror with Miguel Rodriguez, Director and Founder of Horrible Imaginings Film Festival
This episode I went into a classic horror deep dive with my guest Miguel Rodriguez, founder and director of the Horrible Imaginings Film Festival. While talking about some great films, we discussed when the style of horror as we know it emerged, when it transitioned from the classic era to the modern age, how what scares us is so personal and how what makes a monster has changed with the times. We had a quick visit from Miguel’s daughter Scarlett, a budding film festival director, I hope you enjoy the way she also enhanced the background of our conversation with happy three-year-old sounds as much as I did.
Nov 15, 2021
On TCM--Dean Martin: The King of Cool
Nov 12, 2021
On Blu-ray--In the Shadow of Hollywood: Highlights from Poverty Row
It’s important to remember that poverty is a lack of resources and not necessarily of quality. That is precisely the way to view the new 4-film Blu-ray collection from Flicker Alley, In the Shadow of Hollywood: Highlights from Poverty Row.
Nov 10, 2021
Watching Classic Movies Podcast--Silent Film Accompanist Ben Model
I’ve been fascinated by silent film accompanists ever since I saw an organist playing jaunty tunes for Charlie Chaplin shorts at a local pizza parlor as a kid.
Accompanist, composer and film historian Ben Model has accompanied silent films since his college years. His career has taken him around the world. In pandemic time, he’s found a new international audience from his living room, streaming comedy shorts and live accompaniment via The Silent Comedy Watch Party with his co-host, film historian Steve Massa.
We talked about Ben’s unusual career, creating the perfect score, and how to reach an audience whether they think they like silent movies or not.